Did you know this about me?

Did you know this about me?

I haven’t had a sip of alcohol since 2019

I used to go out drinking with friends, it was never something I truly enjoyed.

If you have been following me for a while you know that I suffer from depression and anxiety.

Well alcohol mixed with those doesn’t end up being too fun

The last time I drank I felt really depressed, uncontrollably crying. My roommate actually found me crying on my bathroom floor. Why? Great question.

I knew after this that alcohol and I just didn’t get along. And that’s ok.

I was talking with someone recently who said I was “so brave” for not drinking and how hard it must be for me not to drink in social settings.

I won’t lie, being social can be harder when you’re the only sober person in the room.

But I also know it’s what’s best for my mental health. I knew I never wanted to feel that way again.

Sometimes it’s hard to put your foot down, to be different. Do to what’s best for you even if you’re the only one.

People always ask if I’m not drinking because I’m pregnant. Nope, can’t I just not drink because I don’t want to?

Staying sober is what allows me to take better care of myself. I found it easier to stay motivated, to not get the hangxiety. It also helps me stay present in my Pilates and Movement practice. I know that doing Pilates as much as possible makes me feel my best and now I rarely have a reason to skip a session!

Don’t be afraid to be different, it’s what makes you, you.

Can you relate to this?

Please enjoy some, now funny, pictures from the days of clubs and drinking 😂


Movement with Jill & That’s So On Brand Podcast


Pilates at Copley Plaza!