What “Wellness” means to me

Wellness is such a broad term, your wellbeing? Mental health? Physical health? Is it everything?!

Wellness to me is taking care of yourself, and that look different for everyone. Living in Boston, a high paced and busy city, sometimes its hard to take a step back from “the grind.” That is one of the main reasons why I love Pilates so much. It makes you slow down and focus on what is currently happening in your body and your mind.

My goal as a wellness professional in 2024 is more self care, to really listen to my body instead of just preaching it to my clients. Weather that means I treat my self to a massage, take a breathwork class, do tapping, or take someone else Pilates or workout class.

As wellness professionals it is so easy to forget about our number 1 clients, ourselves, the reasons we got into this industry to begin with.

So as a takeaway from todays blog, weather you live in Boston or a more peaceful town; put yourself first. Maybe that means waking up 10 mins early to drink tea alone, or its making your family do walks together once a day. You cannot pour from an empty cup.

Happy 2024, wishing you all happiness and health. I hope to see you in a class or at an even soon :)

xoxo, Jill




Tapping into the New Year!